
Dusk Point Reloaded: Miko's Journey Released

We have been fans of text based RPGs on the Android platform for a long time. We have also tried developing some ourselves and we were able to develop them using Renpy but they were all in landscape format. This kind of felt unintuitive and cumbersome on mobile phones. In today's day and age people like to look at content on their phone in portrait mode. So, we wanted to develop a visual novel in portrait mode as well. However, it was not easy to do with Renpy. In order to develop this game we developed a GUI template that was in portrait orientation in Renpy. It took a lot of time but we were able to do it successfully. We also planned an exploration and battle module but we were not able to include it in the game ...

एक मीठी मुलाकात : विसुअल नॉवेल अब हिन्दी में

 पढ़ें एक मीठी मुलाकात विसुअल नॉवेल गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर। यह एक उपन्यास है जो हमने कई सालों पहले अंग्रेजी में प्रकाशित किया था । अब हिन्दी पाठक भी इसका लुत्फ उठा सकते हैं । गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर जाएँ और आज ही डाउनलोड कर पढ़ें यह विसुअल नॉवेल। इस उपन्यास में एक लड़की अकाई की कहानी है जो अपने बचपन के मित्र से मिलती है । लेकिन वह मित्र उसे पहचानता नहीं है और वह यह बात जानती है । क्या है अकाई और उसके मित्र का रहस्य ? जानिए इस विसुअल नॉवेल में । डाउनलोड करें यहाँ से:

Kori's Fable Full Version Release

We have released the full version of Kori's Fable Visual Novel. It took us 2 and a half years to develop this visual novel and we are happy to present it to you finally. We were planning to publish this VN way before but life got in the way. Oh well, did life get in the way or was it the circumstances? Anyway, please enjoy this visual novel. It is a playable software but in the end its a novel. And you will have to read a lot. If you are fond of reading and looking at pictures and listening to music at the same time then you will enjoy this work.  It is not an adventure game so please don't bother with it if you are looking for an adventure or arcade game. It is a novel so there is a lot of reading. We are clarifying this point because there have been some instances when people have downvoted and dismissed our work because it did not have arcade or platformer elements in it. You can get the game here: Google Play:

Kori's Fable demo version has been released

  We have released the demo version of our latest game Kori's Fable on and Google Play. At the time of writing this article only Hindi version of the game is available on Google Play and both English and Hindi versions are available at You can download the demo free of cost and try it out. Google Play: The story in the game is far from complete. We have started planning the storyline after the demo.  It was difficult to decide the mechanics of the game. We went with simple choice based mechanic which will enable players to experience the story differently based on their choices. We were planning to include a map and free roam feature in the game but that would have broken our time budget (The amount of time we would have had to spend making this game). We also thought that the map and free roam system will make the game more ...

A little devlog of our new game Kori's Fable

We have started working on a new visual novel game called Kori's Fable. This time we are going to go all out in structuring our world and fleshing it out completely before we begin to write the characters. The chapters and the scenes in the story will come much later when we had done fleshing out our story world completely. Kori's Fable cover art 1 Kori's Fable cover art 2 To do this we are taking help from NaNoWriMo ( ) and the tutorials which they publish from time to time. They have a very useful guide on creating the story world, the characters, the plot and they guide us towards good and free resources which we can use to write better stories. Apparently, NaNoWriMo community is really helpful in assisting new writers write their first draft too. In fact, that is the whole point of their NaNoWriMo challenge that is held in the month of November every year. It may also be a good challenge for writers who wrote a few stories but quit b...

Niara ROTK Devlog | Marketing the game

Marketing your video game is a life long process. It never ends. You start marketing your game from the day you first think about making it. This is true for all products and services under the sun. The marketing process goes on until either you die or your products or services die. For our game we chose to go with paid ads first. We put ads on Facebook and Google and they cost a lot. However, they did not generate much sales so we decided that we would not be using paid ads so much. We have also found that paid ads work best for free to play games rather than paid games. Then we decided that we will have to market our game through organic reach and posts using social media platforms. Hence we hopped on to all the major social media platforms and started working to establish our presence there. It has been hard but it is an ongoing process. We are still on major social media platforms and are still actively posting about our game as well as our development process. When so...

Niara: ROTK Devlog | Releasing the game

Press this button to listen to this blog instead of reading it:   When you have finished making your game while constantly focusing on high quality then releasing it is really not a very big deal. In fact releasing the game is one of the easiest steps. However, marketing the game is difficult. We should never confuse launching with marketing. You can launch the game however you want but actually getting people to buy and play your game is the most difficult task in the whole cycle of developing the game. Yes, that is right. Marketing the game is more difficult than making it. We will talk about marketing later. Here we are going to talk about how we released the game, which platforms we chose and how you can release your game too. When we had finished developing Niara: ROTK then we wanted to release both mobile and PC versions of it. Since Renpy could easily port the game to both mobile and PC it was really easy for us to generate the packages for uploading to the res...