A little devlog of our new game Kori's Fable

We have started working on a new visual novel game called Kori's Fable. This time we are going to go all out in structuring our world and fleshing it out completely before we begin to write the characters. The chapters and the scenes in the story will come much later when we had done fleshing out our story world completely.

Kori's Fable cover art 1

Kori's Fable cover art 2

To do this we are taking help from NaNoWriMo (https://nanowrimo.org) and the tutorials which they publish from time to time. They have a very useful guide on creating the story world, the characters, the plot and they guide us towards good and free resources which we can use to write better stories. Apparently, NaNoWriMo community is really helpful in assisting new writers write their first draft too. In fact, that is the whole point of their NaNoWriMo challenge that is held in the month of November every year. It may also be a good challenge for writers who wrote a few stories but quit because of work load. They can use this challenge to start writing again. Even if their first draft may not be a masterpiece the fact that they wrote one (a 50,000 words draft!) is an accomplishment itself.

Now, it may seem that this article is about NaNoWriMo and it may be because it is so helpful but we would also like to talk about a new tool which we are using and that is Bibisco (https://bibisco.com). We have purchased the supporter's edition of Bibisco (and it was really a steal considering how much value this software provides to us) in order to help the developer because he is independent and the writer's community is all he has. Aside from that, Bibisco is an amazing tool. It helps you structure your story and write it better. It has space for creating and defining objects, characters and locations. It has separate spaces for writing down the plot, fabula etc. of the story. It has a separate space for creating chapters and scenes and it also has a timeline where you can see which events occurred in which order. It is a really amazing tool for writers! If you want to write good stories I suggest that you go for Bibisco as it will make your work easier.

So, that is what we are doing in order to flesh out our story better. We got some complaints from players who were playing our previous game and they said that the story is not very interesting and the characters are not undergoing any development at all. In order to address these complaints we have decided that we will make this new game by fleshing out the world, the characters and the plot before even writing a single word of code.

Thank you for reading. We hope this article will help you in some way.

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