Open source development tools in schools

With Adobe and Autodesk completely shifting their models to a subscription based service the software products which they offer are getting more and more expensive to use in the long run.
There are open source alternatives to most of the software products which they offer and which provide similar functionality for free.
However, in schools and universities the students are taught the use of proprietary software products which cost a fortune to buy even if they are a one time purchase. When a small company (such as us) hire these students we find it difficult to buy the licenses of the software they are used to or teach them the use of open source software.
Blender Logo (Open Source 3D modeling and animation software). Try it, you will love it.

This hinders our ability to produce content. With open source software products offering similar capabilities as paid products one may wonder why schools and universities are so insistent on using the proprietary products for teaching. The schools and universities don't even buy the licenses for those products and simply pirate them. The companies know about this and they don't bother. (Autodesk even provides some software for free for students) These companies know that the professionals which the university/school will be building will go out into companies and only be able to work at their utmost efficiency using their product. This approach only hurts the small businesses.
Inkscape Logo (Open Source Vector Drawing Software)
So, if people who coordinate the education programs in schools and universities are reading this then please try to make a switch from proprietary giants to humble open source software products. I will tell you how to google that, just type "open source alternative to 'proprietary software name'"
Type in Google: Open source alternative to Adobe Flash
Type in Google: Open source alternatives to Autodesk Maya

And you will see many results. These software products are open source, free and you will never have to live in fear of a task force arriving at your school/university looking for pirated software products and you will help the small businesses grow as well as be able to participate in the development of these software products.
One thing which should be noted about the open software products is that they have a very good ability to include plugins in them which the proprietary software products also offer but...for money. Their plugins are also costly.

this is from Rick And Morty
Small company guys and girls may have enjoyed this post. Big company guys and girls...not so much.

King Meino

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